AutoAlert Provides Dealerships with Technology to Boost Sales

AutoAlert, Inc., offers a highly effective direct marketing service to its 2,700 automobile dealer clients. Through DirectAlert, which AutoAlert created in collaboration with the interactive marketing company The Ready Group, LLC, dealers can achieve a response rate of 10 in 1,000. This rate doubles or quadruples the commonly accepted response level for direct marketing campaigns in the automotive sector.

Over the course of more than a decade in business, Irvine, California-based AutoAlert has developed a software platform that offers car dealers sophisticated organizational and data mining capabilities. Through its software-as-a-service system, in conjunction with its hardware and on-site staff training programs, the company works to increase clients’ ability to generate leads and close sales while saving money on advertising costs.

Through DirectAlert, which was unveiled in 2012, an automobile dealer can produce customized and focused direct mail collateral that uses a pattern-interrupt methodology to maximize customer responsiveness to a dealer’s message. Pattern-interrupt techniques work to cut through customer resistance to sales messages by introducing the element of surprise to generate curiosity about the content of an ad.

Pattern-interrupt, used in both sales and interpersonal communication strategies, relies on the fact that humans tend to pay attention when familiar, expected patterns are thrown off. DirectAlert offers dealers the ability to send personalized and targeted messages to those existing customers most likely to make a purchase. Additionally, it provides the capacity to offer consumers information about both the dealer and the original equipment manufacturer that can trigger a purchase sooner than expected.